Research Areas in ECW

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Our academic staff comprises leading scholars and creative writers.

Our scholars pursue original research in a wide range of literary specialisms, from the reception of classical literature to twenty-first-century literature in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.

Others of our researchers work innovatively in linguistics, translation studies, and critical theory, and in such interdisciplinary areas as literature and philosophy, literature and photography, literature and visual arts, and post-colonial studies.

Beyond this original research into the literature, cultures and languages of the past and present, a substantial number of our academic staff produce the literature of the future, as creative writers, in a Department that is home to the Goldsmiths Prize.

This scholarly and creative work, published by leading international presses and journals, puts the Department at the cutting edge of new thinking, and in the top 100 English Departments in the world (QS rankings 2021).

Over 70 MPhil/PhD research students benefit directly from this intellectual and creative culture, as well as from proximity to the British Library and the University of London Library, and from other research resources, such as the University of London's School of Advanced Studies and the specialised seminars and training opportunities provided there, to which our academic staff also contribute.