Accommodation for Residents Help for students currently living in Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ accommodation and who to contact if you are living in one of our partner halls. Main sections Accommodation contacts Who to contact for all our different accommodation providers. Residence Life Team Providing support and building the community around your accommodation. Paying for accommodation How to pay for your accommodation, insurance, TV licence, and help to pay. Guests The rules and procedures around having friends and family coming to visit you in accommodation. Cleaning and laundry Students and providers responsibilities around keeping accommodation clean and tidy. Recycling and saving energy Tips and advice on recycling and how to help save energy in Goldsmiths managed accommodation. Don't want to live in your room How we can help if you feel you don’t want to continue living in your room. Moving on or returning How to find accommodation for your next year or how to come back into halls. Appliance instructions and electrical safety Find everything you need to know to work the appliances in your residence Loring Hall. Moving out of your room If you live in our accommodations, please see our move out instructions. Dealing with problems Maintenance issues Heating Pest control Room checks Issues with other residents Complaints procedure Codes and Standards Codes of practice The housing codes for accommodation provided by us and our partners. Student Code of Conduct How the Goldsmiths Student Code of Conduct applies to accommodation. Customer Service Charter Our standards, values and commitments to the Accommodation Service residents and customers. Guides Accommodation Student Village guide (PDF) Loring Hall guide (PDF) Town Hall Camberwell guide (PDF) Unite Students guide (PDF)