Academic joins prestigious Fellowship Scheme

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Dr Oonagh Murphy has joined the Alan Turing Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, as part of the Fellowship Scheme for 2024.

The Alan Turning Fellowship Scheme represents a community of exceptional researchers at the forefront of data science, AI and related disciplines. Dr Oonagh Murphy, Senior Lecturer in Digital Culture and Society, is one of 51 talented researchers to join the prestigious Alan Turing Institute Fellowship Scheme in 2024.

Turing Fellows are the next generation of world-leading researchers, with proven research excellence in data science, artificial intelligence, or a related field, and research interests aligned to Turning’s Science and Innovation priorities. Fellows, including Dr Murphy, are advocates and ambassadors for the Turing, as well as the broader UK ecosystem, and contribute to the activities at the core of the Institute’s mission.

Dr Murphy’s research focuses on the scalability of emerging technologies for museums, galleries and cultural organisations. She is Co-Founder of the Museums + AI Network and has worked with major museums in the UK, USA and Europe developing AI Policy, Practice and Public Programming, including The National Gallery, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Barbican and more.

Dr Murphy said: "I am delighted to have been appointed as a Turing Fellow, working at the intersection of the Social Sciences and Humanities allows me to bring valuable insights on the impact that AI and Data led technologies have on society and the Fellowship allows me to engage with these technologies from concept to implementation."

I look forward to bringing arts-based thinking to the Turing Institute, and to continue the impressive conversations that the institute has started about how art and artists can help us see the world in new ways.

Dr Oonagh Murphy, Senior Lecturer in Digital Culture and Society, Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship

The Turing Fellowships were established in 2016 to introduce fresh research talent to the Institute, aiming to grow the UK’s data science/AI ecosystem by supporting, retaining and developing research talent.

As well as taking part in the Turing’s interdisciplinary, and collaborative research community, the Fellows also support work in the areas of skills and public engagement.

Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ is also part of the , which provides UK universities with an interest in data science and AI the opportunity to engage and collaborate both with the Institute and its broader networks.  The network is a key component of the Turning Institute Strategy, aimed at changing the world for the better with data science and AI.

Find out more about the Fellows on the