Trans/non-binary student support

Support, guidance and advice for our trans/non-binary student community and their student journey at Goldsmiths.

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Changing your name or details

UCAS application name change

If you have self-registered on UCAS, you should be able to change your name yourself. However, if your school or local authority has registered you, your school will have to change these details. Contact your teacher or adviser if you need anything amended. You can also .

Postgraduate applications name change

You do not need any legal documentation to change either name or gender at the point of application.

However, you do need to have legally changed your name in order to be issued with a Degree Certificate in your new name. As such, we would recommend only requesting a name change once you have a deed poll/new identity document confirming a change in your legal name. This can then be sent to admissionsconfidential (@gold.ac.uk).

If you wish for your name and/or gender to be amended on our record system, please email us at admissionsconfidential (@gold.ac.uk) stating the following information:

  • Your intention and the gender (male, female or other) you would like to have recorded on the system
  • The name you were recognised as previously and the name you would like to have recorded on the system (if there is a change)
  • Outlining that you consent for this information to be used to change your official records and that you are happy for this email/letter to be stored on your file confidentially and securely. Only key staff members who would need to see this letter/email would have access

International Students

If you are an international student, the process is slightly different as your name and gender details must match your passport and visa. Contact our Immigration Advisory Service team for help with this.

There is guidance on the .

How to change the details on your student record.

Once you have changed your name on your student record you need to get a replacement ID card from the Security Office.

If you are a former Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ student and you have transitioned (or are in the process of transitioning to a gender you more identify with), and have legal documentation to confirm the change in your name/s, you are able to request a re-issue of your degree certificate and transcript to reflect this change.

You will need to provide official documentation in your new name (passport, driving licence or official deed poll) to the studentrecords (@gold.ac.uk) team before requesting a replacement transcript or certificate. You will also need to return your current transcript and certificate.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks

If you require a DBS check, then you have the option of using the sensitive DBS applications process.

Enrolment documents

It is Goldsmiths' policy to record students with their legal name as given on any formal document (passport, driver's licence photo-card or national ID) shown at enrolment. See the Student Name Policy (PDF).

This means that the name we have on our enrolment system must match the name on your ID.

If your ID has a different name, contact admissionsconfidential (@gold.ac.uk) before starting the enrolment process.

You may also need to present the original copies of your qualifications and if the name on your qualifications does not match the name on your ID we are obliged to request a legal document confirming the change in name, in order to prevent fraud. You do not need to explain why your name has changed.


The Wellbeing Team offers support to students who are experiencing difficulties with their wellbeing.

Wellbeing Advisers are here to support all Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ students whose personal circumstances are affecting their wellbeing and/or their studies.

The support offered by Wellbeing Advisers may include:

  • How to register or make an appointment with a doctor or GP (General Practitioner)
  • Helping you to navigate NHS mental health services
  • Helping you develop a Staying Safe plan to prepare for times of crisis
  • Advice on university regulations and processes such as taking a break from study, extenuating circumstances or reasonable adjustments to teaching and assessments
  • External mentoring, for help with managing a range of academic issues such as coping with anxiety and stress, concentration difficulties, time management, prioritising workload and creating a suitable work-life balance

If you have made the decision to transition, whether that means undergoing medical gender transition or want to present as a different gender to the one you were assigned at birth, the Student Wellbeing Advisers will be able to support you.

Wellbeing Advisers may also signpost or refer students to services within the university such as the Counselling Service, Disability Service, Student hubs, Campus Support Officers (CSOs) and many others.

Students can access the Wellbeing Advisers through:


GP/Doctor Services

 at the Waldron Health Centre is our local GP surgery. The doctors and nursing staff are friendly, knowledgeable and supportive.

A full range of GP services are available, including:

  • Contraception
  • Sexual Health Services
  • Mental Health Services
  • Travel Health
  • Immunisations (including Meningitis ACQY and MMR)

More information on Amersham Vale Practice and how to register.

Sexual health

The Waldron Health Centre provides a . The centre provides a confidential service and it’s usually quicker to visit the centre than your doctor.

If you prefer a more bespoke service,  for all trans people, partners and friends. They are a trans-led team, who offer a safe, confidential space for those who may not feel comfortable accessing mainstream services.

Mental health

If you are experiencing new mental health symptoms or you would like to speak to someone about mental health support, such as low mood or panic attacks, or if you have never sought help and feel you can no longer manage your difficulties alone, get in touch with our Wellbeing Advisers.

The Disability Service offers support and reasonable adjustments to students who have been diagnosed with a mental health condition.

 offers free transgender counselling services from a trans counsellor and they can be contacted by emailing counselling@spectra-london.org.uk.

Spectra also offer an  within their UNI-T Project.

Here are some organisations who can offer support if you are in crisis:

  • Samaritans: 0845 7909090 (24 hour helpline)
  • Mindline Trans+ helpline: 0300 330 5468 (Mondays & Fridays 8pm-midnight)
  • Switchboard LGBT+ helpline: 0300 330 0630 (10am – 10pm every day) and 

Religion and belief

The Chaplaincy is here for everybody regardless of your beliefs and practices. They welcome anyone who wants someone to talk to regardless of how small or big the issue. They are available by prior appointment, just email chaplaincy (@gold.ac.uk).

You can use the Stonewall webpage to find a number of inclusive places of worship across London.

organise groups where LGBTQ young people can socialise and join in activities with others.

Facilities and student accommodation

Goldsmiths has many gender-neutral toilets across campus in addition to its existing single-sex toilets, to give more choice to our staff and students. They are viewable on the app.

Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ student accommodation has rooms with and without private bathrooms as well as completely private studio flats if this is preferable to any student. You can view or apply for these facilities online.

Sports and societies

Goldsmiths Students' Union has over 100 student groups and you can find out about the .

Reporting transphobic behaviour

Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ strongly condemns incidents of discrimination, harassment and bullying on all grounds. If you experience transphobic behaviour on campus, you can report this as a Hate Incident/Hate Crime. Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ is now a Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre which means that you can report any hostile incident that you believe was motivated because of your transgender identity, religion, race, disability or sexuality.

If you are a victim of transphobic abuse or have witnessed such incidents, you can report this as a Hate Crime/Hate Incident either anonymously or using your contact details via the Lewisham Council . If you’d like to speak to a staff member about any of the details in the reporting form, would like to report the incident to the police, or would like support to complete the form please report to the Student hubs, where an adviser will be able to assist you.

If you wish to take formal action against another student or staff member, you can do this by following the Student Complaints process. Before submitting a complaint to the University, you are welcome to seek guidance from the service or from Student Wellbeing.

Additional Support Groups

Galop is an LGBT and Anti-Violence Charity. They can offer specialist support, advice and advocacy services to LGBT victims of Hate Crime. Galop has a specific Hate Crime and advocacy caseworker to support victims of Hate Incidents. To make a referral contact them at referrals@galop.org.uk or call 020 7704 2040. Visit the for more information.

For further specialist advice and information about LGBT Hate Incidents, you can contact the LGBT Hate Crime Worker from the charity METRO at safer@metrocharity.org.uk. Visit the for more information.

For further information on how Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ is combating Hate Crimes visit our Hate Crime Reporting Centre webpage.